How Old Are You in Killifish Years?

You may have heard that one “human year” equals seven “dog years” because dogs age faster than humans. But did you know there’s a small multicolored fish that ages about 200 times faster than we do? The African turquoise killifish is the latest addition to the Ocean...

Roses Are Red, Lobsters Are…?

This Valentine’s Day, Ocean Genome Legacy is saying “be mine” to some rare and colorful samples of New England’s favorite crustacean, the American lobster. You know that cooked lobsters are bright red, and you may know that most live lobsters are greenish-black. But...

Scientific Surveys Net Fresh Fish for OGL

Ocean Genome Legacy rang in the New Year with a very special delivery of fresh fish! OGL is partnering with two agencies to build our collections of local fisheries species: the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric...

Who Will Watch over Tomorrow’s Oceans?

Every day we hear news about our oceans, some exciting and some disturbing, but all of these stories lead us to one urgent question: Who will watch over tomorrow’s oceans? On December 1, Ocean Genome Legacy hosted a group of eager students from the Boston University...